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Ethic & Anticorruption


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Since 2015, TOUAX has chosen to refer to the rules of governance recommended by the Middlenext Governance Code for Small and Midcaps.
The Company has adopted ethics guidelines in a chart, which is one of the pillar of the Company's internal regulations and which has been spread to all employees, in France as well as abroad.
It includes several preventive chapters (gifts and invitations, corruption, conflict of interest...) and gives recommendations about the ethical behaviour to adopt in these situations.
You can find the integral version of this chart by clicking here.

The TOUAX Group adheres to the highest standards in the conduct of its business activities, and pays particular attention to respect for human rights, social rights and environmental protection. TOUAX has signed the United Nations Global Compact, an initiative whose 10 founding principles cover human rights, international labour standards, environment and fight against corruption.
As part of this sustainable development approach, the Group guarantees a high level of compliance by working with suppliers who are committed to its values.
In keeping with its commitments and principles of action, the Group expects each of its suppliers, and any person having a business relationship with a TOUAX company, to comply with the standards set forth in the "Supplier's Code of Conduct" and to act ethically and responsibly.
It is the Supplier's responsibility to ensure that this Code is respected by all its own subcontractors, suppliers and partners involved in supplying the Group.
You can find the integral version of the "Supplier's code of conduct" by clicking here.

By adhering to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, TOUAX is determined to ban all forms of corruption in the conduct of its business, thanks to a system based in particular on the identification of corruption risks and the implementation of preventive measures. Its Anti-Corruption Code is a guide to be applied on a daily basis to prevent and combat corruption and conflicts of interest. It complements our Ethics Charter and sets out the main principles to be followed in terms of business ethics. The fight against corruption is a matter for all the Group's employees. We must be exemplary and convey this message of 'zero tolerance' to all our stakeholders. Ethics is everyone's business and we remain convinced that it is through the actions of each and every one of us that our approach will be effective and sustainable.
You can find the integral version of the "anti-corruption code" by clicking here.