A structure specifically adapted to the principles of good governance
TOUAX SCA is a partnership limited by shares under French law.
The law and the specific characteristics of its statutes provide for:
- A clear separation of powers between Management, which runs corporate affairs, and the Supervisory Board, made up of shareholders responsible for supervising the management and accounts;
- The indefinite responsability of the general partners, which is a testament to the balance that has been established between strong commitment, power and responsability; and
- Assignement to the Supervisory Board of the same powers and rights of communication and investigations as those devolved to the Auditors.
The Company is managed and administered by two Managing Partners, Fabrice and Raphaël Colonna Walewski. It is assisted by an Executive Committee and heads of the various operating divisions.
There are two categories of partners:
- The limited partners (shareholders), who own shares in the company, but their liability is limited to the amount of their registered investment in the company.
- The general partners (partners), who have joint and several liability for the company’s debt and obligations. TOUAX's general partners consist of the two simplified joint-stock companies, the Holding de Gestion et de Participation and the Holding de Gestion et de Location.
The Supervisory Board works on behalf of TOUAX shareholders to monitor the company’s management. The Supervisory Board has the same powers and access to information as the statutory auditors, thereby enabling it to carry out its control functions.
The TOUAX Supervisory Board is chaired by Alexandre Colonna Walewski and contains 6 members, including 3 women and 5 independent members.
The Supervisory Board has set-up two specialised committee: the audit committee, to provide technical and critical support to directors for monitoring of the company's accounting and financial policy and the ESG committee.
The work of the Supervisory Board is governed by rules of procedure that are intended to complete the laws, regulations and Articles of Association. They specify in particular the operating procedures of the Board and that of its committees, the composition of the Board, the information given, the duties and the code of ethics of the members.
The Executive Committee ensures the effective management and steering of the Groups through regular meetings, usually twice a month.
It is responsible for outlining the company’s business, investment, and financing strategies, overseeing the company’s operations and taking decisions on acquisitions and divestments.

Managing Partner

Managing Partner

Stephen PONAK
Managing Director
Asset Management

General Manager and Director
Touax Rail Limited

Thierry SCHMIDT de la BRELIE
Managing Director
Administration & Finance

Didier BACON
Managing Director
River Barges activity

Managing Director
Railcars activity

Managing Director
Containers activity